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5x6.5 inches. Gouache on toned paper.

I had a lot of fun loosening up with this one, and using bolder color. I think it's worth experimenting with an approach that combines bold and fearless decisions with careful precision in the areas that need it. A combination of fearlessness and care is a key to making engaging art. In this piece, I combined the bright, bright green of the grass and scratchy textures of the brush to create the trees with a careful modulation of values in the large oaks and the delicate linework that makes the branches. If you look at the art you like the most, there is probably some amount of surprise and boldness mixed with assured technique and control.

Paint Drip #310 Spring Greens Along The Rodota Trail

SKU: 100527

    All images on this site are copyright 2024 © Sergio Lopez. No content found on this website can be reproduced for financial gain without written consent by the owner of the copyright.

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